Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting

Karaoke has officially won so I better hear this song. If we choose karaoke as the form of entertainment we will hand pick our songs that you can choose to sing. We will want upbeat songs that are fun or about love.

Respond with your favorite non-cyrus or gaga song and we will try our best to include it into the festivities.

Thanks guys
Seth Stone


  1. You love me :)

    I know because of the "non-cyrus or gaga song"

    You're the best. Also, for our polls we should start writing posts that explain why we chose those four options.

    Love you!

  2. Can we specify that to only be non-MILEY Cyrus, because Billy-Ray has some real gems...

  3. I would agree but we should check with SHELLEY

  4. Clarification is approved: Billy Ray is acceptable, his offspring is not.

    Thanks for the heads-up!
