Tuesday, January 18, 2011


As my mother reminded me today (yes, that means she's excited... however, I only didn't remember because my brain was slightly fried from student teaching), we're exactly 5 months out.  I'm not sure how we got so quickly from over 14 months to 5, but we did. 

Also, I am ignoring the fact that we have to make decisions about music.  But if you have any suggestions, please let us know.  It's difficult to plan a music major wedding on a ... music major budget ... when we want our friends to be able to relax and enjoy our special day with us. 

Finally, I have GOT to get addresses soon.  Before I know it, it's going to be March, and my mom is going to want to be addressing things.  Seth's list is basically done - he's the perfect child... funny how the roles have switched.  Anyway... :)  He's still wonderful and totally great with all of this planning stuff (see below). 

Went for my final dress fitting last weekend - had my sister-in-law a liiiittttllleeeee nervous as she zipped me in, but I assured her it'd be fine.  It was, but still.... Fingers crossed. 

Tomorrow is 150 days... so I'll see you then!

Some quick things

I know that it has been a long time since I have posted. I am really trying to get use to this whole blogging thing. A few things have happened since the last time we have talked. I am starting my last semester of undergrad today. Shelley has started hers but today is her first day of student teaching. Praise God for the previous years of school.

I learned that I was going to have a niece (her name will be emrie grace). We got the tuxes solidified. We have a basic schedule of our wedding and are looking at the vows. We have even had 4 pre-marital counseling sessions.

It has been going real well and has been a blast. I never knew wedding planning could be so much fun from a guy's standpoint. Of course my favorites parts of planning was registering as Shelley allowed me to carry the scanning gun and shoot the bar codes (And this included 4 stores: Bed Bath & Beyond, Belk, Target, & Kohl's). We are excited.

Thanks for being there with us as we continue blogging. I hope to give another update this week (a little more detail). Hopefully Shelley and I can write a joint one this weekend. Have a great week.