Tuesday, June 14, 2011



87 hours from now (less than 5 days), I'll be walking down the aisle.


Good news: Seth has a job!  He is now the youth minister at Annistown Road Baptist Church in Snellville, and we are so excited that God has given us this opportunity to serve Him together.

I had an interview - my first - just yesterday, so I'm just waiting to hear back about that.  I think it went well, but I know that others were being interviewed.  God has great things in store for us, and I just look forward to finding out what it entails.

Most of the wedding details are done... I just always come up with a lot of tiny details to remember, or things to pack, etc. that take up my mental capacity.

So, with just a few more days to go, please pray for us!  Pray that we all remember all of the details.  Pray that Seth's new niece will be born safe and healthy.  Pray that I get a job soon!  And just pray that Seth and I would continue to learn how to honor each other and glorify God together.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

And the countdown REALLY begins

One month to go, people!  One month!  31 days!  Actually, less now that it's past 2 pm :)

It's funny the things you realize when you reflect on the past.  I've been putting together pictures of me and Seth, and currently I'm watching them scroll by in a slideshow.  Two things I've realized: 1) Seth and I like to experiment with our hairstyles, and 2) I have had a fabulous collection of sunglasses in the 3.5+ years we've been together.

But seriously, you should see our hair and my sunglasses.  Actually, if you come to the wedding, you'll get a chance.  (Yes, I'm putting a plug in here for your attendance at our wedding. No shame.)

Ok, now really seriously, I've realized that Seth and I have already had experiences that will last a lifetime.  The good thing about that? We have a lifetime to have more experiences together! We have absolutely no clue right now where the next week is taking us, let alone the rest of our lives together, but we're pumped.  Because wherever we end up, it will be a part of God's perfect plan for us.  Honestly, that's what keeps us going amidst what would otherwise be disappointments - if that church/school job that we think is perfect isn't part of God's plan, then just imagine what IS!

Matthew 7:24-25 ~ 24 “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock."

That Rock is the source of our strength, and not just because Seth's last name is Stone.  
In the same chapter of Matthew, you will also find these words that Jesus spoke ~ 7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened."

I hope that as you read those verses, you let God's truth, love, and protection soak into your soul and spirit.  Let Him meet you right where you are, whether it's a high point in your life or one of the lowest.  Seth and I aren't perfect people, and we (especially me) let the anxieties of this life overwhelm us sometimes.  But a few moments with the truth brings it all back into perspective. 

We love and appreciate all of your support and prayers.  Keep them coming!!!


P.S. - Seth was too kind with his last post here, so I want to inform you that Seth graduated last Saturday from Columbia International University with a DOUBLE major in Bible and Music, and he did it with highest honors.  Summa Cum Laude, to be exact!  I'm so proud.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Wedding & Graduation Stuffies

To start off I would like to say congratulation to my wonderful fiancee in her graduation this last Saturday. I am so proud of her to complete four strong years at USC with Magna Cum Laude. As I was sitting in the crowd I thought about a few things.

First of all, I cannot believe that Shelley and I (well almost: 3 more days) have completed four years of college. It has gone by so incredibly fast. It feels just like yesterday that I was moving into CIU and before that asking Shelley to date me after USC beat UGA on September 8, 2007.

Second of all, Right now as I type this Shelley and I are 40 days away from our wedding and 41 days away from our honeymoon trip. It really started hitting me the day of Shelley's graduation that we were six weeks out. Wow. I remember when I proposed we were over 14 months out. It even amazes me to think that we dated for four school years.

Last but not least, God is truly amazing. We are 40 days out and are in the midst of applying and interviewing for jobs yet God has given me a calm understanding that He will provide. We are both so excited to see HOW God works things to provide. God is absolutely worth full worship.

Till next time,

Monday, April 4, 2011

More Pic's

To follow the lady's lead I am going to post some of my favorite pictures that we have. I am also going to try to remember to write about our first shower that we just had this past weekend tomorrow. Here are some of my favorite.

I will add more later when I have time.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Engagement Photos!

They're here!

I (Shelley) am picking some of my favorites (and trying not to pick Seth's favorites!) to show you, so enjoy :)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

368 down, 83 to go!

Seth and I just hit the 1-year mark on our engagement!

I started reminiscing about the day Seth proposed.  I remember an awful lot of tiny details... It was a Wednesday, which were the LONGEST days of the week.  I ate lunch at 10 am... Which Wich with Greg.  I was just looking forward to dinner with Seth the whole day.  A few things happened that day that I didn't think of till later: one friend saw my class ring on my right hand and asked me about it... another friend danced with me in the hallway after seminar and told me it was our last dance.  I had no clue.

Finally, after band was over, I scooted to the bathroom to change for our dinner date.  Seth had bought me a dress that he wanted me to wear that night, so I had it on.  I got in the car, and Seth had orange tulips for me.  He ran into the School of Music quickly, so I waited in the car.  We hit the road, on our way to Catch 22.

Seth asked me if I liked his sunglasses, which I had already told him I did but I told him again.  I saw him check the directions, which made perfect sense to me.  I mean, I had no clue where Catch 22 was located.  He took an exit, made a few turns, and I began to recognize the roads... we were headed along the same route that takes us to the Milne's lake house.  I asked him if he remembered, which he said he didn't.  I couldn't believe it, so I started basically harassing him about his inability to remember directions.  Ugh... I feel so bad about it now!

I couldn't believe it when we pulled onto the Milne's street.  I asked Seth if we were eating with them.  He said no, they were at choir practice; we were just there to watch the sunset.  So when we got out of the car and walked to the dock, I sat down to watch the sunset!  The FIRST time I caught the hint was when he asked me to stand with him.

And then he proposed :)

Yes, on one knee, with the ring out of his pocket and in his hand.  With the question of "Will you marry me?".


Then, instead of taking me to a restaurant, he had another surprise for me.  The Milne's and Bronwyn, my roommate, were inside the house.  Bronwyn had taken pictures of our engagement, and the Milne's hosted a dinner for us.  It was absolutely perfect.  Dr. Rick had even burned an Engagement Mix CD for us.

And after dinner, when we got back to my apartment, my friends had a surprise party for us.  It was perfect.  Really.

I have to admit, the rest of this year hasn't been so perfect.  Wedding plans are stressful, and school is even more so.  But in my life are three constants:  God, my parents, and Seth.  They are the only reason I've made it this far this year.  And I just needed to thank them publicly for the strength they have given me when I had none of my own.  For those of you who read this blog, thank you for your friendship.  Because even if you have no knowledge of what's gone on in my life this year, your hugs and smiles and friendship have changed my days.  I thank God for you, too. 

So, with only 83 days left, I ask you for one favor: to pray for me and Seth - for patience with each other, for faith with jobs, for perseverance with school, for grace in our ministry, and for our love to continue to grow that we might better serve our Lord, His kingdom, and each other.

Oh, just in case you were wondering... to complete our engagement story, I took Seth out to Catch 22 on Thursday, March 24, 2011.

And if you're thankful for a new blog post, you can thank Gerald Ligon ;).  

Edit: TOTALLY forgot to tell you what some of the little details meant (or the background story).  The dress Seth bought me, he bought it with the help of my best friend, Katrina.  I had mentioned previously how I wished she could be involved in our engagement somehow - and she was!  When Seth asked me about his sunglasses, it was a ploy to take my eyes off the road so I would miss the HUGE billboard that says where Catch 22 is located - NOT the directions we were taking.  Seth had owned the ring since the previous May... unbelievable for a boy who can't keep secrets.  He LIED to me about CIU school meetings in order to meet my dad and ask his permission - in January.  Seth had planned this date with me over a month before - it was 2 days after my junior recital, and we knew leading up to it we'd barely get to see each other... so it all made sense to me.  I wasn't expecting it; I tell people God made me oblivious, because usually I pick up on things quickly. I'm so thankful He did that, too.  Those are the details I remember, but Seth may add his side of the story later :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Our Columbia church home

One of the most difficult realities (personally) facing me and Seth as we get ready to move on in our lives is the awareness that we will be leaving our church, First Baptist of Columbia.  I honestly use the term "our" church because I feel so much at home when I'm there.  To FBCola, I'm not just a college student who is probably attending for the free food... no, I'm a soul who has talents to give, needs to fill, and a spirit to water and revive.  This semester, we are much more active than we have been, and it is so rewarding.  Seth is interning with the Music Ministry, but he works with the sound guys, too - and he's head over heels about the passion that everyone in this church has for their positions.  I've joined the choir, and I have never in my life met a group of people more genuinely interested in me and more supportive through prayer and encouragement.  Our mentors are at this church, both individually and as a couple.  We have made plans to model our future ministry after the church's model and priorities. 

It's an incredible joy to join in worship each week with the members of this church, and it's an honor to learn from a man so wise and relatable as Pastor Estep.  I'd really encourage you to watch the podcast of at least his sermon today - it's Valentine's related, and it's challenging.  You'll find it here... and seriously, watch it.

I could pray all day long that Seth and I never face the challenge of falling out of love with each other, but even the movie Fireproof taught us this simple truth: A marriage which is "fireproof" is not free from the threat of fire but rather is prepared to defend itself from the fires. 

I know that Seth and I have no real clue of what's ahead of us, but I do know that we are doing our best to make our relationship fireproof.

And if you're ever in Columbia on a Sunday morning, visit church with us.  You'll see just why we love it.

Or just watch it on TV, if you live in SC or Savannah or Augusta!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


As my mother reminded me today (yes, that means she's excited... however, I only didn't remember because my brain was slightly fried from student teaching), we're exactly 5 months out.  I'm not sure how we got so quickly from over 14 months to 5, but we did. 

Also, I am ignoring the fact that we have to make decisions about music.  But if you have any suggestions, please let us know.  It's difficult to plan a music major wedding on a ... music major budget ... when we want our friends to be able to relax and enjoy our special day with us. 

Finally, I have GOT to get addresses soon.  Before I know it, it's going to be March, and my mom is going to want to be addressing things.  Seth's list is basically done - he's the perfect child... funny how the roles have switched.  Anyway... :)  He's still wonderful and totally great with all of this planning stuff (see below). 

Went for my final dress fitting last weekend - had my sister-in-law a liiiittttllleeeee nervous as she zipped me in, but I assured her it'd be fine.  It was, but still.... Fingers crossed. 

Tomorrow is 150 days... so I'll see you then!

Some quick things

I know that it has been a long time since I have posted. I am really trying to get use to this whole blogging thing. A few things have happened since the last time we have talked. I am starting my last semester of undergrad today. Shelley has started hers but today is her first day of student teaching. Praise God for the previous years of school.

I learned that I was going to have a niece (her name will be emrie grace). We got the tuxes solidified. We have a basic schedule of our wedding and are looking at the vows. We have even had 4 pre-marital counseling sessions.

It has been going real well and has been a blast. I never knew wedding planning could be so much fun from a guy's standpoint. Of course my favorites parts of planning was registering as Shelley allowed me to carry the scanning gun and shoot the bar codes (And this included 4 stores: Bed Bath & Beyond, Belk, Target, & Kohl's). We are excited.

Thanks for being there with us as we continue blogging. I hope to give another update this week (a little more detail). Hopefully Shelley and I can write a joint one this weekend. Have a great week.