Tuesday, June 14, 2011



87 hours from now (less than 5 days), I'll be walking down the aisle.


Good news: Seth has a job!  He is now the youth minister at Annistown Road Baptist Church in Snellville, and we are so excited that God has given us this opportunity to serve Him together.

I had an interview - my first - just yesterday, so I'm just waiting to hear back about that.  I think it went well, but I know that others were being interviewed.  God has great things in store for us, and I just look forward to finding out what it entails.

Most of the wedding details are done... I just always come up with a lot of tiny details to remember, or things to pack, etc. that take up my mental capacity.

So, with just a few more days to go, please pray for us!  Pray that we all remember all of the details.  Pray that Seth's new niece will be born safe and healthy.  Pray that I get a job soon!  And just pray that Seth and I would continue to learn how to honor each other and glorify God together.

1 comment:

  1. So excited for you guys! Sounds like God is blessing you every step of the way :) And I hope you've been making lots of lists that you can send me when I start planning!
